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  • Kononov, V. K.; Monosov, M. L.; Vitkovskij, V. V.; Lipovetskij, V. A. Observational data archives of the SAO USSR AS. Principles of organization. Soobshch. Spets. Astrofiz. Obs., Vyp. 65, p. 32 - 44
  • Soboleva, N. S.; Temirova, A. V.; Pyatunina, T. B.; Shivris, O. N.; Vitkovskij, V. V.; Plyaskina, T. A.; Shergin, V. S. Improving the precision and efficiency of RATAN-600 observations with the aid of a fixed-focus regime. Bull. SAO, Vol. 26, p. 103 - 113
  • Afanas'ev, G. M.; Berlin, A. B.; Vitkovskij, V. V.; Gol'Nev, V. Ya.; Monosov, M. L.; Pyatunina, T. B.; Timofeeva, G. M. Search for radio sources in the region of reflection nebula NGC 2068. Bull. SAO, Vol. 23, p. 1 - 10.
  • Erukhimov, B. L.; Chernenkov, V. N. Architecture, hardware, and software of the network of measuring and computing complexes on the RATAN-600 radio telescope. Bull. SAO, Vol. 24, p. 182 - 189.
  • Erukhimov, B. L.; Likhvan, O. P.; Chepurnov, A. V.; Chernenkov, V. N. A local complex for data acquisition and control of radiometers in the mode of parallel processes. Astrofiz. Issled. Izv. Spets. Astrofiz. Obs., T. 32, p. 173 - 180.
  • Chernenkov, V. N.; Erukhimov, B. L. Automatic Control System of the Feed CARRIAGE-1 of the RATAN-600 Radio Telescope. Astrofizicheskie Issledovaniia Izvestiya Spetsial'noj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii, Vol. 30, P. 148 (1990).
  • Erukhimov, B. L.; Likhvan, O. P.; Chepurnov, A. V.; Chernenkov, V. N. A local complex for data collection and control of radiometers with maintenance of a parallel process mode. Bull. SAO, Vol. 32, p. 140 - 145.
  • Chernenkov, V. N.; Erukhimov, B. L. Automatic control system of the No. 1 feed carriage of the RATAN-600 radio telescope. Bull. SAO, Vol. 30, p. 143 - 151.
  • Borisenko A.N., Vitkovskij V.V., Zhelenkova O.P., Kopylov A.I., Markelov S.V.,Ryadchenko V.P., Shergin V.S. Image recording complex with CCD array of the 6-m telescope. Bull. SAO, 1990, v.32, 120-134
  • Борисенко А.Н., Витковский В.В., Желенкова О.П., Рядченко В.П., Копылов А.И., Маркелов С.В., Шергин В.С. Комплекс регистрации изображений с матрицей ПЗС 6-м телескопа. Препр.САО,1989, N.26; Астрофиз.исслед., Изв.САО, 1990, т.32, с.157-165