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GRB follow-up team

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Presentations at

Holding conferences:
GRB mini-workshop 2006
GRB workshop 2009

GRB mini-workshop 2006

GRB mini-workshop 2006

9 - 11 July, 2006


  • Alberto Castro-Tirado (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Granada, Spain)
  • Ram Sagar (India, Nainital, Manora Peak, ARIES)
  • Ballabh Sanwal (India, Nainital, Manora Peak, ARIES)
  • Petr Kubanek (Czechia, Prague, Observatory)
  • Sergei Guzij(Ukraine, Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory)
  • Alexander Bogdanov(Ukraine, Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory)
  • Valdimir Sokolov (SAO RAS)
  • Timur Fatkhullin (SAO RAS)
  • Viktoria Komarova (SAO RAS)
  • Tatyana Sokolova (SAO RAS)



  • Arrival, acquaintance

     10.07.06. Morning, 10:00

  1. V.Sokolov. A brief speech of welcome.
  2. GRBs and the importance of GRB observations in the INTEGRAL & SWIFT Era (Castro-Tirado, 30'+ 5' for questions)
  3. Recent GRB observations at SAO (Fathkullin, 30'+ 5' for questions)

     10.07.06. Afternoon, 15:00

  1. GRB research in India (Sagar, TBC, 20'+ 5' for questions )
  2. GRB research in Ukraine (Guziy, 20'+ 5' for questions )
  3. Robotic astronomy: BOOTES and BOOTES-IR (Castro-Tirado, 20'+ 5' for questions )
  4. RTS-2: a fully autonomous telescope control system (Kubanek, 20'+ 5' for questions)


  • Excursions, barbecue


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