Period of observations |
Block programs (number of nights) |
Institution Application | Focus Equipment |
Supervisor |
01.07-02.07 | Astrometry of nearby multiple stars (2) | Spain Docobo | PF speckle | Malogolovets |
03.07 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
04.07-09.07 | Flares of red dwarf stars (3) | MAO Stepanov | PF MPPP MANIA | Karpov |
Search for single black holes (3) | SAO Karpov | |||
10.07-12.07 | Director`s reserve (3) | |||
13.07-15.07 | Hard X-ray sources (2) | IKI Lutovinov | PF SCORPIO/LS | Dodonov |
Red shifts of galaxy clusters (1) | IKI Burenin | |||
16.07-17.07 | AGN spectropolarimetry (1) | SAO Shapovalova | PF SCORPIO/LS SCORPIO/SPOL | Borisov |
Monitoring of Supernovae (1) | SAO Fatkhullin | |||
18.07-19.07 | Interaction process in galaxies (2) | SPbSU Hagen-Thorn | PF SCORPIO/IFP | Burenkov |
20.07-24.07 | Lithium in magnetic CP stars (2) | Ukraine Polosuhina | N2 NES MSS | Kudryavtsev |
Spectroscopy of roAp stars (2) | INASAN Sachkov | |||
Magnetic field geometry of CP stars (1) | Canada Wade | |||
25.07-26.07 | Director`s reserve (2) | |||
27.07-28.07 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
29.07-31.07 | Stars in Cas OB6 and Ser OB1 associations (1) | SAO Chentsov | N2 NES | Yushkin |
Helium flare stars (2) | Estonia Kipper | |||
01.08-04.08 | Interactions in close binary systems (4) | KSU Sakhibullin | PF SCORPIO/LS | Borisov |
05.08-06.08 | Gravitational lens candidates (2) | UK Belokurov | PF SCORPIO/LS | Makarov |
07.08 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
08.08-11.08 | Spectroscopy of distant objects (4) | SAO Dodonov | PF SCORPIO/MS | Dodonov |
12.08 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
13.08-17.08 | Disks galaxies in groups (1) | SAI MSU Silchenko | PF SCORPIO/LS | Afanasiev |
2D-spectrophotometry of Seyfert galaxies (1) | SAO Afanasiev | |||
Nearby Seyfert galaxies (3) | Italy Ciroi | |||
18.08 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
19.08-22.08 | Selected magnetic stars (3) | SAO Semenko | N2 NES MSS | Semenko |
Magnetic field geometry of CP stars (1) | Canada Wade | |||
23.08-24.08 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
25.08 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
26.08-30.08 | Astrometry of nearby multiple stars (2) | Spain Docobo | PF speckle | Malogolovets |
Fundamental parameters of multiple systems (2) | SAO Malogolovets | |||
Massive stars in the Orion complex (1) | SAO Balega | |||
31.08-04.09 | Star formation regions Cyg OB7 (2) | Armenia Nikogosian | PF SCORPIO/LS | Fatkhullin |
New peculiar stars (1) | SAI MSU Goranskij | |||
Ring galaxies in the SDSS survey (2) | SAO Moiseev | |||
05.09-06.09 | Director`s reserve (2) | |||
07.09-08.09 | Ultrabright x-ray sources (2) | SAO Fabrika | PF SCORPIO/LS | Valeev |
09.09-15.09 | Jets in Seyfert galaxies (2) | SAO Smirnova | PF SCORPIO/IFP | Moiseev |
Red shift of galaxy clusters (1) | IKI Burenin | |||
Interaction process in galaxies (2) | SPbSU Hagen-Thorn | |||
Kinematic analysis of halo gas (2) | Germany Voigtlander | |||
16.09 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
17.09-20.09 | Magnetic field geometry of CP stars (1) | Canada Wade | N2 NES MSS | Semenko |
Herbig Ae/Be star envelopes (2) | Ukraine Kovalchuk | |||
Massive stars in the Orion complex (1) | SAO Balega | |||
21.09-22.09 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
23.09 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
24.09-28.09 | Candidates of protoplanetary nebulae (2) | SAO Klochkova | N2 NES | Yushkin |
Spectra of stars in ground-based ultraviolet (2) | SAO Panchuk | |||
Selected classical cepheides (1) | INASAN Savanov | |||
29.09-01.10 | Outflows from young stellar objects (3) | Armenia Movsesian | PF SCORPIO/LS | Burenkov |
02.10 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
03.10-04.10 | Distant active comets (2) | Ukraine Korsun | PF SCORPIO/LS | Afanasiev |
05.10-08.10 | Velocities of dwarf galaxies (2) | SAO Karachentsev | PF SCORPIO/IM SCORPIO/LS | Makarov |
Groups of dwarf galaxies (2) | SAO Makarov | |||
09.10-11.10 | Massive stars in other galaxies (3) | SAO Valeev | PF SCORPIO/LS | Valeev |
12.10-15.10 | Magnetic field in AGN (4) | MAO Natsvlishvili | PF SCORPIO/SPOL | Borisov |
16.10-20.10 | Spectroscopy of delta Sct stars (2) | KSU Ivanova | N2 NES MSS | Kudryavtsev |
Magnetic field geometry of CP stars (1) | Canada Wade | |||
New magnetic stars (2) | SAO Kudryavtsev | |||
21.10-22.10 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
23.10-24.10 | Director`s reserve (2) | |||
25.10-27.10 | Fundamental parameters of multiple systems (2) | SAO Malogolovets | PF speckle | Malogolovets |
Massive stars in the Orion complex (1) | SAO Balega | |||
28.10 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
29.10-31.10 | AGN spectropolarimetry (2) | SAO Shapovalova | PF SCORPIO/LS SCORPIO/SPOL | Borisov |
Monitoring of Supernovae (1) | SAO Fatkhullin | |||
01.11-04.11 | 2D-spectrophotometry of Seyfert galaxies (3) | SAO Afanasiev | PF MPFS SCORPIO/IFP | Smirnova |
Disks galaxies in groups (1) | SAI MSU Silchenko | |||
05.11-06.11 | Director`s reserve (2) | |||
07.11-12.11 | Velocities of dwarf galaxies (2) | SAO Karachentsev | PF SCORPIO/IM SCORPIO/LS | Kaisin |
Groups of dwarf galaxies (1) | SAO Makarov | |||
Velocity fields of isolated galaxies (1) | USA Klypin | |||
Optical emission from nearby pulsars (2) | ASC FIAN Kurt | |||
13.11-15.11 | Monitoring of comet 103P/Harley (2) | Ukraine Kiselev | PF SCORPIO/IFP SCORPIO/LS | Fatkhullin |
Edge-on disc galaxies (1) | SPbSU Sotnikova | |||
16.11-21.11 | Candidates of protoplanetary nebulae (2) | SAO Klochkova | N2 NES | Yushkin |
Spectra of stars in ground-based ultraviolet (2) | SAO Panchuk | |||
Stars in Cas OB6 and Ser OB1 associations (1) | SAO Chentsov | |||
Fast variability of CI Cam (1) | SAO Barsukova | |||
22.11 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
23.11-24.11 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
25.11-27.11 | CP stars with complex magnetic fields (3) | SAO Glagolevskij | N2 MSS | Chuntonov |
28.11-29.11 | Director`s reserve (2) | |||
30.11-04.12 | Flares of dwarf stars (1) | MAO Stepanov | PF MPPP MANIA | Plokhotnichenko |
Fast spectroscopy of pulsars (3) | SAO Beskin | |||
Polarization of blazar 0716+714 (1) | ASC FIAN Kardashev | |||
05.12-06.12 | New peculiar stars (1) | SAI MSU Goranskij | PF SCORPIO/LS | Valeev |
Ultraluminous x-ray sources (1) | SAO Fabrika | |||
07.12-11.12 | Irregular dwarf galaxies (2) | Germany Bomans | PF SCORPIO/IFP SCORPIO/LS | Moiseev |
Structure of guasars with microlensing (2) | Serbia Popovic | |||
Velocity fields of isolated galaxies (1) | USA Klypin | |||
12.12 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
13.12-14.12 | Evolution of dwarf galaxies (2) | SAO Pustilnik | PF SCORPIO/LS | Valeev |
15.12-17.12 | omi Cet type stars (3) | SAO Dyachenko | PF speckle | Dyachenko |
18.12 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
19.12-20.12 | BTA maintenance (2) | |||
21.12-23.12 | Massive stars in the Orion complex (1) | SAO Balega | N2 NES MSS | Kudryavtsev |
New magnetic stars (1) | SAO Kudryavtsev | |||
Magnetic field geometry of CP stars (1) | Canada Wade | |||
24.12 | Director`s reserve (1) | |||
25.12-28.12 | Edge-on disc galaxies (1) | SPbSU Sotnikova | PF SCORPIO/LS | Kaisin |
Ring galaxies in the SDSS survey (2) | SAO Moiseev | |||
Evolution of dwarf galaxies (1) | SAO Pustilnik | |||
29.12-31.12 | Director`s reserve (3) |
New Moon | Full Moon | Designations | ||||||||||||||||||||||
11.07 | 26.07 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
10.08 | 24.08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
08.09 | 23.09 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
07.10 | 23.10 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
06.11 | 21.11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
05.12 | 21.12 |